Monday, March 8, 2010

LEAP's UP-Coming Events:

If you are interested in becoming one of the organizing students for any of the events mentioned below, please respond to Tyler- -

We really need help to get things off the ground- this can be whatever we make of it! Also feel free to suggest more ideas!

1.Interest mentioned in professional development workshops (funded/hosted through LEAP)
Workshop 1: Grant Writing workshop
Responsible: Paola Sanchez

Workshop 2: Presenting Skills
Responsible: Brock ????

2. Professor Mixer/ Alumni Event
For networking
Responsible: Helen/Becky Co-Social chairs

3. Green Week Events: seeking volunteers to help with distribution of fliers/ putting up posters and setting up exhibit & CALL for attendance

I. Sustainable Studio Showcase Exhibit- Curated gallery space behind security all week with PIPSA/Urban Design to display work from several studios that have had a focus on sustainability - Tentative title: "Sustainable space, sustainable place"

II. Thurs April 1st- Joint NYPIRG event featuring

III. Sat April 3rd 1pm- HH auditorum: Natural Gas Drilling in NYC's Watershed PANEL with public working groups, NYC governement officals, activists, land owners Shale- Joint NYPIRG event

4. New/incoming Student Night and also people for Orientation Panel:
Seeking Volunteers for Pratt Graduate School Ambassador Program; represent Pratt/ EMS.

5. LEAP logo contest- MAKE us a logo and win a prize (TBD) and also gain our gratitude!!!!
When: NOW!

6. Skills sharing Series- A space where students can come together and share/teach about their professional expertise-
Responsible: Sarah Stewart & ??????

7. Monthly screening of Documentaries-
Any suggestions for films, or screening place?
Responsible: Tyler and Paola
- Crude
- Dirt

8. Environmental/Green Job night/fair- how to get advice from professionals in our field
Responsible: Chris, Alexa, Tyler & MORE Volunteers needed!!!!

9. Meeting with Representative Clarke to support the Frac Act- Say NO to gas drilling! Support renewable energy
Interested in attending email:

10. LEAP service day-
Suggest a group or organization you would like to support and we'll try to organize a group of people to volunteer. We'd like to extend LEAP's reach beyond the Pratt campus and build relationships with other groups, schools, programs.
Responsible: Erik and Paola and OTHERs??????

Leap's New Leadership 2010

LEAP's changing leadership

Jaime Stein- Faculty Advisor
Tyler Caruso- President
Laura Senkevitch- Vice President & Secretary
Erik Facteau- Policy Chair/ Community Outreach
Paola Sanchez- Treasurer
Helen Rubinstein & Becky Collins- Co-Social Chairs
Geoffrey Brock- Communications chair

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fall 2009

We cheerfully embrace the Fall 2009 semester and welcome our new participants. Building on the foundation of last year's inaugural season, we hope this year to bring our group to a new level. Stay tuned for updates and information in the very near future!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

LEAP logo

We are close to finalizing a logo, here is something probable...

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Welcome to the LEAP blog! This site will serve as your window into our group. It will showcase what we've done, what we are up to now, and what we plan to do. Stay tuned for new info and developments or subscribe and be updated regularly. Also, feel free to email us at with any questions or suggestions. Ciao!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Recycle Ike

LEAP's first endeavor was a competition called 'Recycle Ike' discovered by member Anthony Manzo.  The challenge was to come up with a creative way to recycle and reuse some 700,000 cubic yards of solid waste debris created by Hurricane Ike in Houston. See the website:

With a fresh eagerness, and under the premature name of Pratt Environmental Coalition (which preceded the group actually picking a permanent group name), the team submitted the following submission of building block units created from compressed debris: